Brenda Hunniford

Brenda Hunniford


Right from her first encounter with painting, Brenda immediately embraced the vivid colours, flexibility and versatility of creating art with acrylics. Over time, she has also felt challenged to experiment with different media in conjunction with paint.  She started out painting landscapes using acrylics but have expanded her repertoire to create abstract works reflecting her evolving interests. She finds her sense of discovery and creativity has also led her to try and interpret the beauty of things that interest her.  There has been an organic evolution in her choice of colour palate over time, and she has taken up the challenge of including other art materials such as chalk and different types of paper. Brenda will continue to explore how her feelings, evoked by what she sees, influence her interpretation of what she is moved to put on canvas.  She can definitely say she is never quite certain what direction she may take in her artwork.

On a personal level, painting has provided a method of self-expression, catharsis, and great joy while she has been experiencing the rigours of cancer treatment over the past number of years.  Brenda believes that her artwork has enriched the quality of her life, which in turn has deepened her creative endeavors during some incredibly challenging life experiences.

So, she has been driven by the life events and experiences that have challenged her.  For Brenda, whether those challenges are positive or negative, she thinks part of the way she responds to her life experiences is like walking a narrow pathway or “wire.”  As an artist, she finds she balances herself amongst different aspects of self-expression and creativity that pique her imagination.  She uses her art to attempt to weave various threads of her experience and illustrate different aspects of who she is.  For her works, at times she has chosen to use varied colour palettes, a variety of textural media, and abstraction to broaden her exploration and her artistic journey through the pathway of her life.

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